Monday, April 19, 2010

New York, New York! My Official Hiatus...

So there I was sitting in the airplane staring out the foggy window surpassed by an extreme moment of exhilaration at the bewilderment of what was to come.  The plane had landed over 3 hours ago but there was traffic on the terminal.  Are you kidding!  I needed desperately to exit the plane, to start my new life in New York.  I had so many plans and had to start right away, no more time to waste... the dress rehearsal was officially over.

(See my entire life I had this overwhelming sensation I was in a dress rehearsal.  I had the feeling that official opening night was yet to come, but rehearse I did in preparation for my debut.  Too bad I wake up now with the realization THIS IS THE REAL MCCOY, it was somehow uplifting to think there were second chances.)

Back to New York... there I was after a very strange plan ride.  Let me preface by explaining how the wierdness all began... I was sitting in the terminal waiting for boarding time, when I turned to my left to find a very tall, very white, blonde man looking at me.  At that very moment my cell phone rang and I answered (partially to escape his glance, partially out of curiousity).  It was my mother, she had just dropped me off at the airport and was struggling with the idea she wouldn't see me the following morning.  I don't recall the conversation, however, I clearly remember telling her in SPANISH that a very odd looking man was making me feel uncomfortable because he kept his glance on me.  I told her again in Spanish that he was probably American and didn't understand a word I was saying.  At that very moment, the gentleman leaned in and said, "Lo siento mucho por averla hecho sentir incomoda, pero la miro por lo linda que es".  Well, I was completely mortified to say the least.  It was quite uncomfortable to come to the realization he had not only overheard but understood everything I had said to my mother moments before.  The wierdness continued when we boarded the plane and this man offered the lady sitting next to me $100 to switch seats.  At that moment, I cringed at the idea of spending the entire ride sitting next to this strange man.  The wierdness worsened when he proceeded to tell me his life story which consisted of him spending his youth in prison for a drug deal gone bad.  I guess I've always had quite a penchant for dealers (that will require another post all together).

In retrospect, I was lucky to have met this man because he kept me quite entertained during the 3 hours of rush hour traffic we experienced upon landing in NY until we were able to exit the plane.  Additionally, he was kind enough to share a cab ride with me to my destination.  Apparently, my cousin who I was going to stay with lived in a questionable part of town.

I arrived at 11pm and proceeded to follow my cousin to a strange club in Brooklyn where I saw a boy wearing a pink g string which was visible because his skinny jeans barely reached his hips.  I ate my first falafel sandwich and saw my first sunrise in the big apple.  So many possibilities after such a memorable day...


  1. i like it! I have a million things on my mind that I'd like to say or share about different feelings and emotions but I can't easily write them, guess I'm not a writer, leave it for the experts :-)
